European Commission : Horizon 2020 – 7th Research and Innovation Framework Programme
Living Lab leading and change management
2016, 3 years
ongoing project
One part of the Copernicus services program focuses on developing new applications and market opportunities for the European agricultural sector by means of the Sentinels satellite family. SENSAGRI project is dedicated to the design of a new Copernicus agricultural monitoring service, that will enable public and private companies to better understand crops behaviors.
One of the main goals of the work of SENSAGRI is to ensure that the products and services developed in the frame of the project fit the needs of users and that their relevance and maturity are sufficient for proposing them as candidate for the evolution of Copernicus services. In order to reach this objective, we propose the involvement of users, located at different level of the value chain, from the early stage of the project to its end. We will adopt the “Living Lab” approach that CESBIO and E2L already experimented in the Occitanie Region (France) with public and private actors of the agricultural sectors and private companies.
The partnership gathers the UVEG (universitat de Valencia-Estudi General), the public laboratory of research CESBIO, CNR-ISSIA, ITACyL (Instituto Tecnológico Agrario de Castilla y León) and IPP (Institute of Plant Protection). CESBIO involved E2L to diagnose growth and valuation of potential SENSAGRI services and spread the deliverable and the process to other european site.
SENSAGRI benefits from recent projects of E2L where geo web services were already prototyped in partnership with 1) Agrod’OC, an independent union of regional CETA (studies center of agricultural techniques) that stimulates the agricultural community and 2) the CACG, a regional development society, commit to implement the river basins water policy and management.

The Living Lab approach supports the co-creation of remote sensing based services and consists of the following steps : we drive the experimentation of a first demonstrator, that is assessed by users and efficiently co-designed with designers and community of practices and finally update the first demonstrator to a more stable delivering service. The more this cycle is repeated, the more context-aware is the prototype and the more the business and organizational models are concretized. In this mission, we :
- Identify potential end-user and transfer the knowledge of potential application of remote sensing technology.
- Through an open-design process, ideate hypothesis of services from deep understanding of user needs. Then assess and select ideas depending on their service experience maturity (SRL) and on the space technology maturity (TRL).
- Develop user supported projects and document the open design process.
- Capitalize and document the process to transfer to other European pilot partners ( Italy, Poland, Spain), in partnership with the LLIO, involved in the Canadian Living Lab sphere.
- Definition of the methodology for the Living Lab start-up enriched, report of the achievements, conclusion and future direction of Living Lab approach.
- Development of a WebGIS accessible on the project website.
- Report on the initial user requirements addressed to SENSAGRI and synthesis of user workshops to define beneficial evolutions of Copernicus.
The SENSAGRI products and the services are designed to fit users’ needs. In the long term perspective, expertise of use can be considered as a driving force to contribute to Copernicus future services.