Retour d’expériences des usagers de la démarche Living Lab
In SENSAGRI H2020 project, E2L sets up a Living Lab process to collect user requirements on SENSAGRI Earth Observation products and to appreciate their relevance into mid-user services. Here is the feedback of your 2 french mid-users, AGROd'OC and CACG. AGROD'OC, agricutural cooperative in South West of France [su_youtube url="https://www.youtube.com/embed/6r8y7upVSu0"] http://www.agrodoc.fr/ [su_spacer size="40"] CACG, regional water management company [su_youtube url="https://www.youtube.com/embed/s18yVYQBMw4"] http://cacg.fr/en/ [su_spacer size="40"] http://www.sensagri.eu/