Step 1: The collaboration between laboratory and territory project h1>
Include innovation in the territory’s sustainable development strategy. h8>
Originally, the PATS *, a construction since 2006 h8>
* Pole of application of remote sensing techniques
OSR Test areas and experiences with farmers.
A longitudinal monitoring and data accumulation
Launch of the PATS Project (Pays des Portes de Gascogne)
RITA : Validation of the Living Lab methodology and process
Experimentation with the framework of the PLU and the Green corridor
Proof of concept
Experimentation: Inter-communal grouping and focus on the Green corridor’s hiking trails
One experimentation per year, with local inhabitants
Experimentation in Agriculture : Expérimentation-Agriculture : SATERRE project – Qualification of agronomic potential of land. Inter-municipal grouping and focus on the Green corridor hiking trails
Agricultural services
One experimentation per year, with local inhabitants
Hemp and circular economy – from the Hemp’s agrochain to a strategy of innovation
One experimentation per year, with local inhabitants
GHG / Plant cover – partnership with INRA CESBIO for a proposal of territorial tools
One experimentation per year, with local inhabitants
Management of water resources and climate change, in partnership with CACG and AGROD’OC
Methodological progress
Step 2: The collaboration “Territorial ecosystem of innovation”
Include innovation in the territory’s sustainable development strategy.
Presentation at Entretiens Jacque Cartier, about “Innovations collectives : Quels impacts sur les pratiques et les métiers pour les projets de demain ?”, took place the 17 October 2017.
* Pole of application of remote sensing techniques
OSR Test areas and experiences with farmers.
A longitudinal monitoring and data accumulation
Launch of the PATS Project (Pays des Portes de Gascogne)
RITA : Validation of the Living Lab methodology and process
Experimentation with the framework of the PLU and the Green corridor
Proof of concept |
Experimentation: Inter-communal grouping and focus on the Green corridor’s hiking trails
One experimentation per year, with local inhabitants |
Experimentation in Agriculture : Expérimentation-Agriculture : SATERRE project – Qualification of agronomic potential of land. Inter-municipal grouping and focus on the Green corridor hiking trails
Agricultural services
One experimentation per year, with local inhabitants |
Hemp and circular economy – from the Hemp’s agrochain to a strategy of innovation
innovationOne experimentation per year, with local inhabitants |
GHG / Plant cover – partnership with INRA CESBIO for a proposal of territorial tools
One experimentation per year, with local inhabitants |
Management of water resources and climate change, in partnership with CACG and AGROD’OC
Methodological progress |
Step 2: The collaboration “Territorial ecosystem of innovation”
Presentation at Entretiens Jacque Cartier, about “Innovations collectives : Quels impacts sur les pratiques et les métiers pour les projets de demain ?”, took place the 17 October 2017.